Eye occlusor
Leukoplast eye occlusor is used to prevent or treat strabismus and amblyopia. Smooth and comfortable, it's an ideal eye patch for wearers of glasses.

Leukoplast® eye occlusor
Smooth and comfortable, it's an ideal eye patch for glasses wearers.
First aid dressings
The right wound dressings for every case

Leukoplast® elastic
Flexible first aid dressings for minor wounds, lacerations, abrasions or punctures.
Surgical site dressings
Minimizing the risk of wound infections

Leukomed® T
Transparent film dressing for superficial and surgical wounds.

Leukomed® T plus
Skin-friendly sterile dressing with wound pad for small to medium-sized wounds.

Absorbent, sterile dressing for minor to medium-sized wounds